Fra seneste giftmøde arrangeret af Miljøstyrelsen Vi plejer ikke at få et ”referat”. Muligt at se mere, hvis du er interesseret. Men denne gang blev mødet holdt ude på landet. Jeg kunne ikke nå dertil med off. trafik. Måske derfor dette skrift fra dem:
(Det kan give et indtryk fra disse møder, som jeg er med til)
Orientering fra mødet den 7. juni 2016 Dansk lovgivning: Nye regler om afstandskrav - brug af afdriftsreducerende udstyr – trådt i kraft den 5. juni 2016 Vejledning og bekendtgørelsen på MST’s hjemmeside.
Nye regler om Autorisation af sprøjteførere og forhandlere (MAB), samt ændringer i bekendtgørelser om syn af sprøjter og vaskepladser træder i kraft 1. juli. It-systemet til MAB forventes at åbne senest 1. oktober 2016.
EU-forordningen Glyphosat – klassificeringsforslag
Hormonforstyrrende stoffer – forslag om kriterier offentliggjort den 15. juni
Nyt fra EFSA Pesticides: guidance harmonises field studies New pesticides guidance has been finalised that harmonises the way terrestrial field dissipation studies are conducted in different regions of the world. The guidance was developed by a working group led by EFSA, the US Environmental Protection Agency and Health Canada. 1 March 2016 Public consultation on the draft Scientific Opinion addressing the state of the science on risk assessment of plant protection products for in-soil organisms
EFSA has launched a public consultation on a Scientific Opinion of the EFSA Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues on addressing the state of the science on risk assessment of plant protection products for in-soil organisms. Taking into account new regulatory frameworks and scientific developments, the current risk assessment approach is reviewed. Proposals are made for specific protection goals for in-soil organisms and a new testing strategy.
10 June 2016
EFSA/WHO report makes recommendations on Threshold of Toxicological Concern approach EFSA and the World Health Organization (WHO) have published a report on the joint workshop they held to review the Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC) approach to chemical risk assessment. 10 March 2016 EFSA launches dedicated website on bee health The new website #Efsa4Bees is the outreach platform for EFSA's project on bee health. It will be the central access point for essential information on the risk assessment of multiple stressors in bees (MUST-B) as well as other relevant work in areas such as pesticides, animal health and environmental risk. Sprøjtemiddelstrategi
Rapport om sammenligning af modelberegninger og VAP data er offentliggjort på MST’s hjemmeside:
Nyheder om bekæmpelsesmidler kan til-/afmeldes på følgende link: